[Lynda] React: Lifecycles


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Carl Peaslee



Optimize your React components by utilizing the power of React lifecycle methods. Lifecycle methods can trigger different functions at each stage in a component’s lifecycle: initialization, mounting, updating, and unmounting. This course dives deeper into React lifecycle methods and shows how we can leverage them to build more performant, reliable, reusable, and concise React components.

Carl Peaslee helps you build a number of small reusable components that will be useful in future projects. Along the way, he discusses the syntax and uses of lifecycle methods, how state affects React lifecycles and your apps, and how to set static display name, default props, and initial state. Plus, learn how to gather performance data and improve performance by minimizing component updates.

Topics include:

  • Overview of React lifecycles
  • Initial state
  • Default props
  • Mounting: componentWillMount, componentDidMount, and render
  • Updating: shouldComponentUpdate, componentWillUpdate, and componentDidUpdate
  • Controlling component updates
  • Using react-addons-perf to get performance data
Skill Level Intermediate

2h 3m



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Skills covered in this course

WebWeb Development React.js

Size: 356.33M



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