[Kevin Powell] Beyond CSS

Kevin Powell – Beyond CSS [FCO] About A course to help you learn how to wrangle your stylesheets, keeping them organized and scalable no matter the size of the project or how big your team is. Beyond CSS is a course designed to help you use modern CSS and tools like Sass and PostCSS to […]

[Travis Waith Mair] Mastering CSS Layout

Travis Waith Mair – Mastering CSS Layout [FCO] Mastering CSS Layout Become confident in building any CSS layout by learning the fundamental CSS Design Patterns and Best Practices that are responsible for all the CSS layouts in the world. Make CSS easy and intuitive by identifying those building blocks in seconds in every layout and […]

[Laracasts] Modern CSS Workflow

Intermediate Modern CSS Workflow The way we construct and think of CSS has changed drastically in the last ten years. In this series, we’ll review key tools in every modern frontender’s belt. This includes everything from the popular BEM methodology, to the wonders of flexbox, to bullet-proof grid frameworks. Size: 407.20M

[Laracasts] Modern CSS for Backend Developers

Intermediate Modern CSS for Backend Developers I know too many backend developers who are stifled by one glaring phobia: CSS. How do you construct a layout when nothing lines up? Every browser renders your code differently. Floats constantly break. Nothing works! If you agree, your thinking might be a bit out of date. You’ll be […]