[LARACASTS] ES2015 Crash Course

If you feel overwhelmed by the lightning-fast pace of the JavaScript community, you’re not alone. The JavaScript (likely using jQuery) you might have written in 2009 doesn’t even remotely resemble the scripts of today. In this series, I’ll give you a crash course on the latest and greatest that the language has to offer Size: […]

[LARACASTS] Testing Vue

How in the world are we supposed to unit test Vue components? Is it even possible? Why, yes. Yes it is! I’ll show you the full process, step by step. Not only will you learn the necessary tooling, but we’ll also review the ins and outs of testing your client-side code. Have you ever wanted […]

[LARACASTS] Learn Vue 2: Step By Step

Vue is easily one of the most exciting additions to the front-end world in many years. With its intuitive API, and the fact that it can be applied to any type of application, it’s no wonder why folks have gravitated to it as much as they have. If you’d like to jump on board, let […]

[LARACASTS] ES2015 Crash Course

If you feel overwhelmed by the lightning-fast pace of the JavaScript community, you’re not alone. The JavaScript (likely using jQuery) you might have written in 2009 doesn’t even remotely resemble the scripts of today. In this series, I’ll give you a crash course on the latest and greatest that the language has to offer Size: […]

[LARACASTS] Charting and You

At some point, you’ll be called upon to prepare a series of graphs, or charts for your business. It’s scary at first; where do you even begin? But, luckily, you’ll find that, thanks to tools like Chart.js, it has never been easier to accomplish such a task. I’ll show you how, one easy-to-understand step at a […]

[Lynda] ES6: The Right Parts

Author Kyle Simpson Released 6/9/2017 ECMAScript 6 (ES6) introduced many important features that enhanced JavaScript, making it more concise and powerful, and allowing you to make your code more readable. In this course, learn how to use these ES6 JavaScript language features to write cleaner, more productive, and more readable programs. Kyle Simpson helps you […]

[Lynda] Webpack Deep Dive

Author Kent Dodds Released 6/14/2017 Building and deploying front-end applications can quickly grow complicated. webpack simplifies the task of managing web dependencies by offering a huge list of features that cater to a variety of JavaScript apps. In this course, explore these features, and learn how to migrate an existing JavaScript application to webpack 2. […]

[Lynda] Organizing JavaScript Functionality

Author Kyle Simpson Released 6/16/2017 No amount of learning the theory of JavaScript will substitute for actually practicing the implementation of it. Even before you adopt a framework, learning how to organize the different bits of JavaScript—modularizing, decoupling, etc.—will make a positive impact on the quality of your code. Once you’ve mastered those techniques, you […]

[Lynda] Four Semesters of Computer Science in 5 Hours

Author Brian Holt Released 6/2/2017 Get a practical introduction to computer science concepts and take your knowledge of JavaScript to the next level. This course starts by exploring recursion, followed by how to use sorting algorithms. Next, the main elements of data structure interfaces are explained followed by demonstrations of how to implement list, tree, […]

[Lynda] Creating an Open Source JavaScript Library

Author Kent Dodds Released 6/16/2017 Managing open-source projects for web development can be a rewarding—and intricate—endeavor. In this course, get started with open-source by learning how to build a small JavaScript library from scratch. Join Kent Dodds as he covers creating a micro library, writing and running tests, transpiling, and continuous integration. Plus, he shows […]